S3-E1: The Voices In Our Head

Season 3 Bonus Episode
This is our season 3 kick off episode and you are in for a 20 minutes bite-sized treat!
This episode has a bunch of spoilers.
Here are the ingredients for this delicious episode.
Awesome promo for Shadows of Saint Fleur
A season 1 and 2 recap along with a pretty cool role play.
We also have a special guest (for that extra flavor!)
New changes coming in Season 3.
Special Guest – Jonathan from Roll Gay Role Play
Malphaedor – voiced by Mike Cole
DM – Nico Rodriguez
Thank you for listening to our show. If you love what you are hearing, please leave a review with all the stars!
Promo links for our friends!
Shadows of Saint Fleur: twitter.com/StFleurPod
Homebrew 5e Content: twitter.com/homebrew5e
Roll Gay Role Play: www.rollgayroleplay.com
Be safe. We love you all. Stay Foolish.